Lyft Engineering Blog Post - Lyft Load Testing

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By Ben Radler

I published a new blog post on the Lyft Engineering Blog. It covers how and why our engineering team built an in-house load testing platform that runs in production!

It's called SimulatedRides, and it generates synthetic load to help Lyft scale to its busiest days of the year.

Read my post here!

Lyft Engineering Blog Post - Scaling Productivity on Microservices

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By Ben Radler

I just published a new blog post on the Lyft Engineering Blog. It is the final post in a series discussing how our engineering team scaled developer productivity through several tactical changes to our development workflow.

My post is the final post in the series, and discusses how my team, Test Platforms, built high value, rapid Acceptance Tests, which exercise critical business flows from various parts of the Lyft lines of business.

Read my post here!

Read the entire series of posts here:

Set up Loggly and Dokku with Rails, Logspout, and Syslog

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By Ben Radler

I recently launched a new Rails app on Digital Ocean using Dokku. I wanted to pipe out my Rails log data to Loggly, and found the documentation on this to be pretty sparse.

This should capture the steps I took to set it up. These steps assume you have a working Digital Ocean droplet with Dokku 0.7.1 or newer, and Rails 5 (though it should work fine with other frameworks that can log to syslog).

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Environment Customization: My Developer Toolbox

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By Ben Radler


All skilled professionals have a "toolbox", right? An electrician might have a multimeter, screwdrivers, and a hammer. A painter might have brushes, pallets, paints. An engineer is no different, except that their toolbox is often entirely digital.

In all cases, tools help you to be more PRODUCTIVE, FASTER, and MORE ACCURATE in your every day work.

My developer toolbox is a set of customizations, tools, and applications that augment and improve the operating system and computer I use. I'll specifically cover changes and tools I use that help with developing computer software and websites.

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How to set up ctags (go to definition) in Atom text editor

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By Ben Radler

Have you ever wished github's awesome Atom text editor had better support for jumping straight to a class or method definition like Rubymine or Sublime Text? Me too! So, here's a short set of instructions how to get this functionality working on OS X!

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